Widma i kości. Pandemiczna lektura „Kości, które nosisz w kieszeni” Łukasza Barysa



This article presents a pandemic interpretation of Łukasz Barys 2021 debut, The bones you carry in your pocket. It aims to analyze the impact virus as „spectrum” (Derrida) on life individual and look at „assamblage” (Žižek) effect pandemic. encompasses „human non-human” (Žižek), bringing together constellation „postmemory” (Hirsh) spectres, traumas, bones, death past that begins dominate reality. narrative is thus testimony an living world blight. However, it latent silent testimony. can be found descriptions underlined between family traumas grime everyday life, which death, love illness are constantly mixed together.

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عنوان ژورنال: Jednak Ksi??ki

سال: 2022

ISSN: ['2353-4699']

DOI: https://doi.org/10.26881/jk.2022.14.07